Monday, October 10, 2005

November is National Novel Writing Month

Has anyone ever told you that you should write a book? Well, maybe the time has come. November is National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO). The idea is to write 50,000 words in that time. If you're insane enough for the challenge (and it's my guess about 60,000 people are this year), go to and sign up. Founder, Chris Baty, also has a book entitled, No Plot, No Problem, to help you get started. Get the book now so you'll be prepared for November!

What does this mean for moi during next month? Will the antics continue or will I be too busy hacking away--er--I mean tapping away on my keyboard creating like the writing fool that I am? Oh, pet, be rest assured, the antics will continue. After all, life is about balance even for the imbalanced. Speaking of imbalance, I certainly couldn't let a closet full of dancing shoes sit idly for an entire month, now could I? Buh-bye, Myki


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